JustChurch:  is an open and affirming worshiping community rooted in ancient practices and focused on acts of justice.
JustChurch is the ministering community of Beloved Community Initiative

Join us in person for weekly worship on Saturdays at 5:00pm  
at Trinity Episcopal Church, 320 E. College St., Iowa City.

You are also welcome to join us on Zoom.  Click here to Contact us for the link.    

Pentecost, June 4


Worship with JustChurch on Saturday, June 4

Let courage rise up.
Let passion enflame.
Let love transform. 

Let weeping fill the land.

There will be no peace until there is justice.
No healing until wrongs are made right.
Come, Spirit, Come.

And turn the world of evil upside-down.
- source: enfleshed

Join us for Holy Eucharist to celebrate Pentecost and wear red or orange if you are able! You are invited to bring red food as well, so we can enjoy some fellowship and food afterwards in the courtyard following the service. As the COVID numbers have risen in Johnson County, please plan to wear a mask while we are indoors for worship!

Please consider signing up to participate as a greeter, one of the readers, or intercessor  SIGN UP HERE

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